BY: Sinethemba Hlanzeka
In a proud display of dedication and commitment to public safety, the Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele, led the ceremony for 249 newly trained constables at the SAPS Academy in Mthatha on March 26, 2024.
These police officers, to be deployed to various stations in and around the Eastern Cape, represent the final cohort trained as part of Project 10k for the 2023/2024 financial year. Many of the new constables graduated in December 2023 and are already deployed to bolster crime-combating efforts at police stations across the country and the Public Order Police (POPs) unit.
Standing on parade were ninety-four female and 155 male constables. During his keynote address, General Cele emphasized the growing presence of women in police training and service.

“I must add that we would be very pleased in the future if we could see a 50/50 split of both genders because the South African Police Service is an equal opportunity employer and we take our employment equity very seriously. The 94 women on parade were not given any favors, they underwent the same rigorous training as their male counterparts, and I am happy to announce that their assessment was equal,” stated Bheki Cele.
“In keeping with the progressive laws of our country, we aim to attract people of all demographics, including women who must eventually make up 50% of the SAPS staff complement,” he added.
The National Commissioner of the SAPS, General Fannie Masemola, outlined the organization’s expectations from the newly trained members.
“We trust that as you go out on your deployments, you will carry with you the valuable theoretical and practical lessons you acquired. Above all, we want you to always be mindful of the SAPS Code of Conduct; be mindful of how you carry yourself in this uniform, have a high sense of self-discipline, and be ethical and professional in your conduct at all times, said Fannie Masemola.
The SAPS recruitment drive for the 2024/2025 Basic Police Learning Development Programme is currently underway. The first batch of trainees is expected to commence training in April 2024, with the second batch scheduled to begin in January 2025. Successful applicants will receive a message from the SAPS providing them with valuable information on the progress of their applications.