The famously known tiktok local musical group of young boys known by the name of The Joy has just shared the details on how they ended up sharing the stage with the female singer Doja cat at the Coachella valley music and art festival on Sunday, 14 April 2024, in Indio, CA.
Doja cat who is also known as the daughter of the famous SA actor Dumisani Dlamini, known for his role on Sarafina playing crocodile and Chester on Yizo-Yizo, decided to pick the local musical group, The Joy to perform with her at the Coachella valley music and arts festival.
The group, The Joy entered in a surprise appearance, the band joined Doja cat on stage for the performance of her two tracks, acknowledge me and shutcho but they entered with the twist by using their language, Isizulu.
Melokuhle Mkhungo one of the group singers known as Duzie said that Doja cat’s management team connected with their manager, Sevi from Black Major.
“They told us this is something she had been wanting to do since she is following us on TikTok years ago”. Said Duzie.
The group comes from the small township of Hammarsdale in Mpumalanga, have recently released their single, you complete me, and are two months away from dropping their self-titled debut album.
Doja cat is not the only international singer who is the fan of this group, also the American winning singer, Alicia Keys and the singer Jennifer Hudson are their fans. Jennifer Hudson also invited them on her talk show in 2022.
“We recorded vocals for the two opening songs and sent them from SA. Then we spent a week of rehearsals in Las Vegas. The team has some incredibly talented people in it. Everyone was wonderful and they made us feel at home,” said Duzie.
“The stage moment itself went very quickly but imagine being in front of 100 000 people – we truly loved every minute of it.” He continued.
“we will be releasing our album on June 21, and we would like to request everyone who has watched this performance to stream our album when it drops. We believe we will have one of the biggest albums of the year. Hopefully more good things are ahead of us from this moment,” he added.